
Use as you wish. Modify as you wish. Distribute as you wish.
Just keep our internal copyright notice


Product Description

Another Professional Script from mojoScripts for free: mojoTime. What makes mojoTime different from other time scripts is that it is fully customizable. It is language-independent, supporting every language possible. It is not bound to any defined settings. It has unlimited settings. So you can just choose the best one for you. What better is it not required any SSI calls if you do not have them. Just use a javascript call then…

Product Features

Installation and Administrative Interface

  • Easy to navigate admin menu
  • No installation experience necessary, just upload the package in ASCII and point your browser to admin.cgi
  • Configure everything from web browser
  • sorry, but this version do not have an admin protected feature yet

Program Functionality

  • Support unlimited type of displays
  • Support virtually every languages spokens
  • No SSI required, just use with Javascript
  • javascript and SSI capable
  • and much more

DEMO (down)

  • mojoTime Admin Screenshots
  • mojoTime User demo (use Javascript Tag)
    Style 1: 7:38:28 on Apr, 09
    Style 2: 06:01:27 on Jun, 02
    Style 3: 06:55:05 on Sunday Apr, 07
    Style 4: 06:00:44 on Sunday Jun, 02
    Style 5:
    Style 6:
    And unlimited other possible choices, up to your creativity


  • Perl 5 or higher
  • Ability to run cgi and change file permissions
  • File::Path module… Most server has this
  • Please help us spread the word by putting a link back to us…
  • After successfully install the script, please give us a vote at

What makes mojoTime different from other time scripts is that it is fully customizable. It is language-independent, supporting every language possible. It is not bound to any defined settings. It has unlimited settings. So you can just choose the best one for you. What better is it not required any SSI calls if you do not have them. Just use a javascript call then..